It has become even more convenient to buy our products in Poland — on the Allegro marketplace

Marketplaces are becoming more and more popular, and we are also trying to keep up with this trend. We are glad that our ZUBR voltage monitoring relays and terneo thermostats are now available on the Polish market
Dziękujemy naszym Partnerom w Polsce:

Аdres: 75-846 Koszalin, ul. Słowiańska 11A
E-mail: [email protected]
Dział handlowy: +48 94 3427770, +48 943426056, +48 512285685

— «Altway»:
Аdres: aleja Grunwaldzka, 212 ALTWAY Gdansk, 80-266
E-mail: [email protected]
Dział handlowy: tel +48 58-881-00-78

Our plans are to be in all marketplaces in Europe. In the near future we will appear on Amazon in Spain and Portugal. Our flexible terms of cooperation allow us to cooperate with any marketplace in Europe, and the products will find a need for any type of customer. We are looking for partners who can act as our partners on marketplaces in your region!